July 2022
Fred presented his research at the Gordon Conference on Cytoskeleton and Motor proteins.

June 2022
Our R35 grant was funded by NIGMS for 5 years!

Science Pose!!!!!
May 2022
Phylicia Allen joins the lab as a new graduate student. Welcome Phylicia!

March 2022
Frederick Backer wins the Excellence in Research Award at Graduate Research Day for the second time!

Feb 2022
Our collaborative paper with the Bollinger lab was published as the cover image of iOVS.

March 2021
Frederick Backer wins the Excellence in Research Award at Graduate Research Day! Congrats Fred!

July 2019
Chandler Goldman's paper on the mechanism by which Egalitarian links localized mRNAs with the Dynein motor is published in Development.

March 2019
Chandler Goldman won the Excellence in Research Award at Graduate Research Day. Congrats Chandler! This is the second time that Chandler has won this award.

May 2018
Lawrence Hicks graduated with his Ph.D. Congrats Larry! Larry is currently a biology professor at the undergraduate campus of our university.

Aug 2017
We recently collaborated with the lab of John Abrams (UT Southwestern) to examine the mechanism by which certain transposons localize to the pole plasm of the Drosophila oocyte. The first author on this paper is Bhavana Tiwari, a postdoc from the Abrams lab. Devi, a graduate student from our lab, also contributed experiments towards the paper. The work was featured on the cover of Current Biology and in a Dispatch article (link). Publication.

July 2017
Our lab contributed a chapter to the book "Ooctyes". The book was just published by Springer. Chandler Goldman, a graduate student in our lab, was the first author. Publication.
Nov 2016
Rajee and Devi's paper describing a novel isoform of Tropomyosin1 was published by the Journal of Cell Science. This particular Tropomyosin1 isoform interacts with Kinesin heavy chain and performs a critical function in mRNA localization. The journal selected this paper for their "highlights" section (link). It was also featured on the cover of the journal. Publication.